What do the Markings on Jewellery Mean?

When you read the product description of the jewellery you are considering purchasing online you should see things like 14Kgf, or 12Kgf. Sometimes you will see 18K, 14K, 10K and 925. So what what do these marking mean? These numbers are stamped discreetly on jewellery as marks of quality and they are there to protect you, the consumer. Having them there is actually the law. The written description of the jewellery you are about to purchase must accurately reflect what is physically stamped on the jewellery. https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts

Bija Bijoux works primarily with metals such as Gold Fill, Sterling Silver and Gold so the quality marks you see will reflect that, as will our written product descriptions. Not only do we respect the laws, we take our reputation seriously! We want our customers to know that we are putting our written word behind every piece of jewellery we sell.

Gold Fill jewellery is often short form written as “gf“. There will also be a numeric karat value in front of it, most often 14K, which indicates the karat of the gold that was used. So if you see a piece of jewellery stamped and described as 14Kgf, it means that it is 1/20th of 14K gold. We love offering golf filled jewellery because it is less expensive than gold and it has a rich, gold colour that matches and wears like solid 14K gold. We made a pair of hoop earrings using a quality tag (1/2014K) as a style detail Gold Charm Hoops .

Sterling Silver jewellery is stamped 925. In our written descriptions you will see “sterling silver” written and the jewellery is stamped 925. The words “silver” and “gold” are simply descriptive words, describing the colour of the metal, so unless there is a quality descriptive along with it we don’t really know what we’re buying. The 925 stamp indicates that the jewellery’s metal is 92.5% pure Silver, a precious metal. Here’s one of our jewellery pieces where it’s easy to find the quality stamp (sometimes they’re harder to see). Bead Set CZ Hoops.

Gold Jewellery is stamped 18k, 14K, or 10K and will be written down in the description section of the jewellery exactly the same. 18K simply means that out of a total of 24 parts, 18 parts of the piece are gold and 6 parts are made up of other metals. Expressed in percentage terms, 18 karats is equal to 75% gold content. The other 25% usually consists of metals such as zinc, copper and nickel. 10K gold means that there is 41.7% gold content and 14K gold means there is a 58.3% content. Leaf Diamond Ring, made of solid 18K gold.

Looking at jewellery online can be a real feast for your eyes, but knowing what exactly you are admiring is an important part of it. Read the descriptions and if you’re not sure, ask the seller the questions you need answered before you click “add to cart”.